January 20, 2011

Support Full Employment

Corporate greed and Wall Street recklessness have caused the worst jobs emergency since the Great Depression.

While Wall Street and corporate profits have recovered (largely due to government bailouts), the rest of the country is still facing a crisis: high unemployment and foreclosure rates, but reduced economic security and benefits.

click here to sign a petition of support for HR5204

"The 21st Century Full Employment and Training Act", HR5204, has been introduced in congress. It sets targets for reducing unemployment rates down to 4% over the next 10 years, and establishes a fund that can be used to create good jobs if the unemployment rate stays above those targets. Funding comes from a small levy on financial speculation, so the bill adds nothing to the deficit (of course, by putting people back to work, the deficit will actually be reduced).

For more info, check out Beaver County Blue or the text of the bill.

To add your name as a supporter, click here.

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