March 05, 2013

Upcoming Actions and Events

Please join us this Saturday, March 9th for our next General Meeting, 10am at 1020 W. Bryn Mawr, 1st Floor. We will have updates and action planning on all of our issues, but this meeting in particular will go in depth into the fight for affordability, education, and youth programs.

Additionally, please join us for the following important actions taking place throughout March:

1) Wednesday, March 6: Gathering at Alderman Cappleman's Office to "Feed the Poor In Uptown" and to protest the Cubicle Hotel Ordinance, the displacement of people in our community, and the selling off of our community to the highest bidder. Meet at 5pm at 4544 N. Broadway

2) Friday, March 8: People's Board Meeting from 6:00-8:00pm at the Hyde Park 1st Unitarian Church, 5650 S. Woodlawn (see flyer below). We are arranging for transportation to and from the event. If you are interested in attending and need transportation, please contact us as soon as possible. Email

3) Wednesday, March 27: Citywide Rally Against School Closings, 4pm, details to be announced 

As always, please email us at with any questions. See you there!

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